Today Sara turned one! It's so hard to believe that it's already been a year since God blessed us with her - our little angel. She's always smiling and just about everyone we meet comments immediately that she's so smiley. Even yesterday, an older woman greeted us on the street and said so (in Swiss-German :-).
She had all of her friends over for lunch and cupcakes. Then we celebrated again in the evening with Oma & Opa. As you can see, she likes cake as much as her mommy does :-)
She has become so active. Now she can climb up into Jonas' little chair and she takes the stairs all by herself. She has 3 teeth and a few more just below the surface. She loves riding the firetruck and can get off of it by herself. She's been trying to get onto it too and is really close. She'll probably be taking her first steps soon.
Really, we just love her so much. She wakes up every morning with a smile. She is so agreeable. Her personality is really starting to shine. She squeals when she really likes something (like seeing Grandma and Grandpa on Skype, her friend Jack, the little doll Auntie Wendy gave her for her birthday). We can't wait to see what she has in store for us this year.
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