
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Good news!

Hello Everyone!
Our apartment application has been approved and we will be able to move into our new home shortly. Yay!!! Jonas looks forward to starting preschool too. And, our container is due to arrive in Switzerland this week. Hopefully, it won't take it long to get through customs.

This past weekend we spent time strolling around Zurich, riding the boat (Jonas' favorite activity - which we do almost daily) and visiting the zoo. Thanks to our wonderful friends who gave us a full year family-pass. We will use it often!!!

While the public transportation system is excellent here, the tram doors don't offer much resistance to body parts. Andy was nearly beheaded this weekend while helping me get stroller #2 off the tram. Same goes for sliding automatic doors at the train station. Jonas got his hand stuck in one the first day we were here. So, traveler beware :-)

We received an awesome care package from Grandma and Grandpa yesterday. Jonas and I snacked on popcorn and hot chocolate and had peanut butter and jelly for lunch! Adjusting to the food here continues to be a struggle for Jonas. But, he's starting to at least try a few more things.

A tidbit from Jonas:

1) After hanging up from a skype video call with Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie Wendy:

J: Why didn't we give them a hug before we hung up?
M: Well, we were talking with them over the computer. How were we supposed to give them a hug?
J: Just dig a hole in the back of the screen, give them a hug, and then close it back up.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my - how could we forget to dig the hole in the back of the computer? I'm going to remember to try that next time!!!! I would love a hug from Jonas! For now this will have to do - Here's a (HUG) from me. Love you! And so glad the tram hasn't dismembered any of you!
